Tag: 2022 writing

Connor Letter-Future Students

Hi my name is Connor,  

Here are some tricks for 2023. Don’t chew gum or you will scrap gum of the ground. Next is tech every Tuesday and Thursday you will go to tech where you will learn new things that will help you in the future. Play lots of sports a if you don’t like it at least you tried.  

Good luck future year 7 and 8’s have fun next year from Connor. 

Connor Research Task

  Thomas alve edison was born in Milan, Ohio on February 11, 1847, and moved to Port Huron, Michigan when he was seven. He attended school only riefly and was taught reading and math by his mother 


Edison began working at an early age, as most boys did at the time. At thirteen he took a job as a newsboy, selling newspapers and candy on the local railroad that ran through Port Huron to Detroit.


Mary and Thomas Edison had three children in their 13 years of marriage. However, since none of them had children of their own, there are no living direct descendants of Thomas and Mary Stilwell Edison.


One of the most famous and prolific inventors of all time, Thomas Alva Edison exerted a tremendous influence on modern life, contributing inventions such 


Thomas was inspired by his mother because he wanted to prove he was smart like his mom. When Thomas was a teenager he saved a three year old from being killed by a train.


“Al’s” favorite hobbies were reading and performing chemistry experiments in his basement lab.


describe the picture

today we had to a describe the picture this want the describe the picture story is

Today is a robot week where we get to learn about robots and how to control them. Today we had to learn how to move a robot. We were given a robot to try to control how to get it to do stuff  like getting water, getting you some food and doing the dishes. By the end of the week the school kids had learned. how to make their robot move forward and  backward. Some kids made their robot move left and right. Some kids made their robot look up and down. Some kids made their robot pick up stuff and drop stuff and some kids made their robots dance.         


connor T2Wk1 Narrative Writing

One day my family and i went to the zoo for a family trip when we got there their was no people around but we went around to look a the animals. First we went to see the giraffe but there were sleeping. Next we went to the see the lion but there were eat in there cave. Next we to see the tiger but there gone so we went to the rhino but the rhino were sleeping. So  we were thinking about to go home when we the zookeeper’s went and woke up the animals.              

assemlbly recape

On Monday we had an immersion assembly and the theme for  term 2 we know the way.

team 1 did a little show on bees and beekeepers team 1 wall be learning about bee team 2. Did a funny show on Pirates team 3 did are you smarter than the teacher team 4. Did a moves on a new student she went around the school with ipad. Scanning QR codes to find her way to her new class team 5. Did show on robots the 2 girls tip water on her head.